All About the Call

Materials: Refer to Connection Points

On the last module, I started taking you through the Connection Points, where you score points by connecting with people. We covered how to connect by sending someone a Thank You Card, and how to get a system in place for sending thank yous, and we talked about how to send a simple, personal gift that’s aligned with your brand. I know some of you have expressed that you’re feeling some overwhelm around the connection points, so I just want to let you know I get it and we’re going to be spending the next three calls on this, so I’m going to be walking you through each step. I know when you’re first hearing about this it can feel overwhelming, but when you start to understand it and practice it, you get systems in place, and you get to know which activities really feel suited to you and your brand, and it takes away overwhelm. So a lot of things you’re learning, go through overwhelm to solve overwhelm. Just trust me, even though it feels overwhelming right now, it will get better. And I know this spreadsheet looks like an eyeful, but it’s so that you don’t have to keep all these things rattling around in your head. Think of this as the information container so you can have a clear mind. If you look at it and your first reaction is stress, reframe it, ‘it’s doing the work for me so I don’t have to remember this stuff’.

Getting the Potential Client on the Phone

Knowing when it’s time to move the conversation to the phone:

  • If you’re having a back-and-forth conversation by text or email where you need more than a paragraph to get your point across or to find out what they need support in
  • If they ask for pricing
  • If you can’t answer their question without learning more

How to move the conversation to the phone:

  • Send to call booking site link that’s branded with your name and what you want the person to do (example
  • Make sure you have automatic reminders are set up that are polite and useful and prepare the person for the call. Set them up to feel like it’s going to be a pleasant experience, and that they’re going to walk away with something useful (so they don’t feel like they’re getting on the phone for you, they know they’re getting on the phone for them because you’re going to help them solve something
  • Profitability doesn’t always come in most obvious way you think. When you build relationships, it comes in in surprising ways you’ve never expected, in ways money can’t buy. When you’re gaining influence by giving, it comes back 10 fold

Action Steps:

  1. Create your follow up steps – 11 to 18
  2. Create your call booking page