The Brandstorming Assessment is an in-depth, customized report designed to help you evaluate where you currently are as a leader, the state of your business, and the strength of the 13 areas of your business that creates a brand that works hard for you. It is also designed to help you think about how you’d like to improve in these areas. As soon as you have completed the report and worked with BrandWorx Productions with your initial assessment we will be able to strengthen you with valuable insights and practical information you can apply to your brand and business, including:
- Thought-provoking questions to encourage introspection and self-evaluation
- Suggestions and tips for shifting your perspective
- Action items that you can implement right away to jump-start improving your brand.
- A rich array of resources, including books and websites for you to further your education and gain inspiration
- And so much more…
Optimize Your Business and Gain More Personal Freedom
As you can see, this process touches on many different topics, but they are all interrelated with the intention of teaching you a new way of seeing your business and it’s authentic branding message. The shift begins with you as the leader, and will cascade to affect everyone who comes into contact with you, your website, your brand and experiences your business — your employees, your customers, your partners, and your community. Most importantly, developing your brand the BrandWorx way will enable you to create a brand that works hard for you!
Lets get started!
Low Scores
If your overall scores are low, it may indicate that your marketing messages, current website and business are not achieving the results you want, or it is still in the development phase. However, do not be discouraged, as this is a valuable opportunity to target these areas and to improve your website and business by building
a strong online presence with a strong marketing message that connects with your target audience.
Even a business that is currently performing well may receive low scores. This is because the Brandstorming Program is designed to evaluate your business from the Brand Building Blueprint “Point of View”. For example, your business may have the potential to generate profit and satisfy customers, but it may not be serving your life. And if you haven’t documented and systematized your online presence performance and marketing processes, you won’t be able to ensure continued success.
High Scores
The sections in which you receive high scores also offers you valuable insights. These are your key strengths. How can you leverage these strengths? Think about the way you’re operating in these areas of your business. Can you apply similar processes to other areas to achieve better results?
Remember that your business and online presence is an ongoing process. Don’t overlook high-scoring
sections; they can help you identify your next stage of growth.
Key Findings
The Key Findings describe our observations about your business and your work/life balance, based on your responses to the Brand Building Blueprint process.
Questions to Consider
These questions are designed to be thought-provoking, and to encourage further self-evaluation and creative thinking. Notice which questions inspire you and use that inspiration as a starting point for taking action. Write down ideas that are sparked by the questions — make a list of more questions, possible innovations,
or anything else that comes to mind. Also notice which questions you are unable to answer, as they may reveal areas where you’re lacking critical business information about your business perception and online presence.
The questions can also help you evaluate the accuracy of the Key Findings. Do your answers to the questions shed light on the Key Findings? Do the questions reveal strengths or weaknesses you weren’t aware of?
Shifting Your Perspective
This section takes another look at the Key Findings, this time from the Brand Building Blueprint Point of View. It examines the underlying conditions that contribute to frustrations and problems in your business and it’s branding message. By addressing these underlying conditions, you will be able to develop long-term,
sustainable solutions.
Action Items
The Action Items are distilled from different business and website development philosophies, marketing processes, and are simplified so that you can implement them more quickly. They are great starting points for you to begin effecting immediate change. The more time, energy, and focus you put into these simple
exercises, the more rewarding the results will be. These action items are your first steps in mapping out your plan.