Uncover Your Perfect Client’s Desperate Want
That You’d Love to Provide
Once you know who your ideal client is and how you help them, all of your marketing is about connecting and speaking to that client’s desperate want. The challenge that keeps them up at night that you’re going to solve for them. So how do you uncover and get really clear about that desperate want?
I’ve created a survey to help you do that and I’m going to walk you through it now. (talk about the strategy, the reason for each question, how the questions are asked, and the right number of questions). The point is to get their contact information so you’ll know not only how to get in touch with them, but since they’ve answered the questions you’ll be prepared to know exactly what to discuss with them.
Use the Example of a Survey and the Survey 3 Email Sequence Campaign in the files section in the Facebook Group to help you understand your target audience’s desperate want.